Home: Finnish International
DX Group Foxtrot Lima

Foxtrot Lima Guestbook

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The feqeuency / channel charts for 11m aren't correct.
ONLY the CEPT / German channels 1-40 have the so called "alphachannels" left out (...45 and ...49 until channel 20), and the "twisted" frequencies on channels 23 - 25 (due to a previous reservation and later back-assigning to the CB band).
Those irregularites are NOT to be replicated on the band below (channels 41-80) or further bands above and below.
There is NO "alphachannels" and also no twisted frequencies.
Especially the "printable chart" is wrong in that regard, but also the other freq/ch chart.

This should be corrected.

Admin reply: Hello Pete.

These charts are meant for people who use radios like President Jackson
for 11m DXing. For example, I have in my collection a 6 band Jackson
with a band switch with bands from A to F. You can use the band switch
to move the 40 channels up or down in frequency. If you use such a radio,
the chart shows the correct frequency for the channel on display.

As to the A channels, these could be marked on the chart as [channel]+10kHz
or [channel]A (+10kHz) as this is the frequency you get when you use the +10kHz
function on your radio. (Use +10kHz on channel 11 on any band and you get to the
frequency marked 11A in the chart.) But I am sure people using these types
of radios understand this.

On my Jackson the German channel 41 (26.565 MHz) can be found on channel 5 on
band C.

You can find the German CB channels listed at: http://fldx.org/site/ger-cb-channels.php

Best regards
56FL001 Timo

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I just found u r site,very nice.
Hope to hear from you all some time. I'm in the state of oregon near a town called BEND.

Submitted by


Hi there.

Very nice website. Can somebody assist me with the following information regarding the inverted v antenna?

How high must the inverted v be from the ground into the air? What kind of wire does a person use for the elements? If I want to use the antenna for all 27mhz channels, what must the lenght of wires be?

As I understand the plan is for a half wave dipole. Can a person make a full wave dipole for better reception and transmitting?

Hope you guys can help me.


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Dear friends from FL-DX Group,

great Website!
Especially your clusterspots site is excellent,
as it connects the important clusters at one page.
Very helpful to have a quick view what's going on
on 11m DX.

Best 73s from
13AT396 - Chris

Submitted by


A great and well prepared website with some excellent and very useful information.



Submitted by


Great Site!

Submitted by


Great site, for many years I was an active member of the the November Foxtrot dx group of Norway and made many
Good friends all over the world, it's great to see that the spirit and friendship of 11mtr dxing is still going strong. You have a great site and group run by obviously real enthusiasts, maybe it's time for this old dxer to get the icom out of the cupboard and join you guys.. good luck to you anyway and great DX.

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Great site, was searching Google for Dipole information for 11 Meter band. This site give me the info I needed and it was explained in very straight forward and easy to understand terms (no woffle).

Thanks and keep up the good work.

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hello to all...73 :D

Submitted by


Thank you for the invaluable information. This is the part of the SWLing and DXing I enjoy the most...Antenna Design and trying out different ideas.

Keep up the good work, 73s to all,

Merci, Claude (9-TC-1740)
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