11m Antenna Building Instructions on the Internet

Building and experimenting with antennas can be an interesting part of the radio hobby. Here we have collected some links to building instructions of 11m antennas on the WWW.
- http://cb-antennas.com/ CB-antennas.com by 19SD348 & 30DA016 contains information on several antenna types and also dimensions for 11m.
- http://www.dx-antennas.com/ DX-antennas.com by 19SD348 & 30DA016 contains information on several antenna types and also dimensions for 11m (CB-antennas.com above is the new site).
- http://www.cbantennaguide.com/ The ultimate guide to 11-meter CB antennas. Information on verticals, Yagis, Quads and general info related to antennas. (used to be at: http://signalengineering.com/ultimate/)
- http://at116.tripod.com/projects/twin-lead_dipole.html Twin-lead folded dipole by 21AT116 Chris
- http://fldx.org/site/downloads/antennas/68590716antenne-bazooka-pdf.pdf Bazooka for 11m by 14AT291 Christophe
- http://dl5dbm.darc.de/d11m_e.pdf Easy to build Delta loop for 27.555MHz (11m) by DL5DBM
- http://www.radiohc.org/Distributions/Dxers/cb-1.html 2-element Quad for frequency 27.000 MHz by Arnie Coro
- 2-element HB9CV by 21AT333
- More antennas for 11 meters by 21AT333. (Look at the bottom of the page.)
- http://www.qsl.net/xe3rlr/11mts.htm 4-element Yagi for 27.305 MHz
- http://www.clubmarconi.it/ssquad.html Super Squad (in Italian)
- http://www.clubmarconi.it/yagi4elem.html 4-element Yagi
- http://www.clubmarconi.it/deltaloop.html 2-element Delta loop for 11m (in Italian)
- http://www.clubmarconi.it/antenna_zeppelin.htm Modified Double Zepp for 11m (in Italian)
- http://koti.mbnet.fi/t20aaa/ANT.HTM Vertical antenna and a 3-element Yagi by Jouko Haikala
- http://fldx.org/site/dipole.php There is lots of info on dipoles on the www. Here is yet another half-wave dipole building instruction by 56FL114 Pete that we added to our site.
- http://please.name.my/173/moxon-antenna-plan-for-27mhz-cb-and-freeband-operation.html Moxon antenna plan for 27 MHz CB and freeband operation
- http://www.funkcom.ch/pdf/notantenne%20ab%2027.pdf Wire J-pole antenna for 27 MHz (in German)
- http://www.tiiliskivi.com/hoto/luuuppi.html Stretched loop antenna which can be fed directly with 50Ω coaxial cable. (in Finnish)
- http://www.pv562.net/pagine/antenna%20skypper /skypper%20spyder%20spyderbeam%20antenna.htm Skypper (Spiderbeam) building instructions with good photos by 1PV562 / 90PV562, Paolo. (in Italian)
- http://www.14lv108.sitew.com/My_antenna.B.htm Skypper by 14LV108
- http://44.saro.free.fr/skypper_internet/skiperbeam.htm Skypper by 14SO024
- http://web.archive.org/web/20040905185423/http://www.ea8zq.com/ant27.htm Antena vertical para 27 MHz (in Spanish)
- http://www.dab.pb.cz/cz/cb/bastl.html This page contains several antenna designs for 11 meters including GP, 3 & 4-element Yagi and a 2x5/8 dipole. (in Czech)
- http://sites.google.com/site/buildingcbantennas/ 158KP911 Leon’s site. Contains dimensions for a 3-element yagi and a 4-element LFA Yagi for 11 meters. There is also instructions for gamma match construction and pictures of a J-pole built for 11m from tube.
- http://web.archive.org/web/20091027082648/http://www.geocities.com
/cq43ax101/Cubical_Quad.html 43AX101’s instructions for building a two-element cubical Quad for eleven meters - http://web.archive.org/web/20091027082657/http://www.geocities.com
/cq43ax101/Helical_Beam.html 43AX101’s instructions for building a two-element helical beam for eleven meters - http://www.transmission1.eu/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10907 Homemade 2-element Yagi by 31TM001 Miguel on the Transmission 1 forum
- http://www.delta-alfa.com/homemade-quad/ Homemade 4-element Quad by 3DA012 Roger on Delta-Alfa website
- http://www.hamuniverse.com/n1uue2el1011quad.html My Quad Project: A 2-Element Cubical Quad for the 10/11-Meter Band by N1UUE
- http://digilander.libero.it/Maverik74to/spider.html 4-Element Spiderbeam for 27 MHz by 1TA157
- http://sites.google.com/site/2mt454/Home/11-meter-cb-antennas Some info on dipole, ¼-wave GP and delta loop construction on Mountain Thunder CB Radio groups site.
- http://www.i1wqrlinkradio.com/antype/ch3/chiave39.htm Magnetic loop antenna for 27–28 MHz (in French)
- http://www.hobbyradio.se/en/eh/ehstarstep_en.html Building instructions for “EH-Star”-antenna for 11m band (in English)
- http://www.qslnet.de/member/dl5za/j-antenne.html Building instructions for J-antenna for 10m band (in German) – As it's for 10m band you might need to adjust the dimensions for 11m use.
- http://www.amateurradio.bz/cb_radio_j-pole_antenna.html Building instructions for a CB radio J-pole antenna including a video (40 min.) of the construction by Paul D. Tadlock
- http://www.cb27.com/tecnica/jpole-cb Antena 'J Pole' para 27 MHz – Another J-pole for 11m band (in Spanish)
- http://www.mds975.co.uk/Content/cb_radio_03.html#11m_CB_J-Pole_antenna And yet another J-Pole for 11 meters – This one is made with 450 ohm ladder line as the bottom section.
- http://www.radioamaterska-udruga-sloga.hr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=271 Building instruction for a 5/8-wave antenna in Croatian
- http://home.telkomsa.net/jeanward/EDZ.html 11m Band Extended Double Zeppelin 'Zepp' (EDZ) antenna with a center frequency of 27.500 MHz
- http://home.telkomsa.net/jeanward/j-pole.html 11m Band J-Pole antenna with a center frequency of 27.500 MHz
- http://home.telkomsa.net/jeanward/hentenna.html 11m Band Hentenna with a center frequency of 27.500 MHz
- http://www.at-scandinavia.com/main/antennas/3-ele-quad 3-element Quad on the AT Scandinavia website
- http://co6hk.arredemo.org/index.php?entry=entry120905-115517 EH antenna for 11 meters by 88HK7/CO6HK (in Spanish)
- http://10sd156.blogspot.com/2013/12/una-interesante-antena-para-11-metros.html If the link above does not work, here is the same ‘EH antenna for 11 meters by 88HK7/CO6HK’ instruction on 10SD156 Martin's blog.
- http://www.transmission1.eu/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=33050 Info on building a homemade Sirio Gainmaster from RG58 coaxial cable and 2.5mm wire on the Transmission 1 forum
- http://www.cbradioclub.com/how-to-articles-a-advice/87-helpful-how-to-articles/228-end-fed-antenna.html An end-fed portable half-wave antenna on the CB Radio Club website
- http://10ad707.blogspot.mx/2011/10/construccion-de-antena-moxon-en.html Building a Moxon antenna for frequency 27.555 MHz (in Spanish)
- http://10ad707.blogspot.mx/2012/09/delta-loop-antena-3-elementos-27555-mhz.html Building a 3-element Delta loop antenna for frequency 27.555 MHz (in Spanish)
- http://cbdx.ham.hu/bambi.pdf Quad loop “Bambi” with center frequency of 27.500 MHz
- http://digilander.libero.it/lelepano/ EH antenna for 27 MHz (in Italian/English)
- http://web.archive.org/web/20030429020325/http://www.grommet.freeserve.co.uk/27-11/ts41.html 3-element wire Yagi in the Internet archive (27-11 website)
- http://web.archive.org/web/20030429020549/http://www.grommet.freeserve.co.uk/27-11/ts43.html ½-wave vertical antenna in the Internet archive (27-11 website)
- http://www.m0ysu.com/DeltaLoopProject.html 11m Delta Loop Project
- http://fucimin.altervista.org/en/loop.html Homemade Magnetic Loop antenna for 27 MHz
- https://alphaxray.info/cb-antennas/2016/build-cb-11-metre-27mhz-ddrr-quarter-wave-vertical-performance-low-noise.html DDRR quarter-wave vertical for 27 MHz
- https://www.linuxwolfpack.com/cb-dipole-antenna.php CB (27Mhz) Shortened Dipole Antenna
Online Antenna Calculators
- http://svrc.org/cpole/ C-pole antenna calculator
- http://www.m0ukd.com/calculators/slim-jim-and-j-pole-calculator/ Slim Jim and J-pole antenna calculator
- http://tippete.net/cgi-bin/moxgen.pl Moxon antenna calculator
- http://calc.n6ach.com/quad.html Quad antenna calculator
- http://qth.at/do5mhc/bazooka/bazooka.html Bazooka calculator by DO5MHC
- http://f1rzv.free.fr/hentenna/index.php Hentenna calculator by F1RZV
General Antenna Info
This is just a list of antenna instructions we have found on the www. We cannot verify that all the info behind the links is correct, so use at your own risk.
If you think there is some link missing that should be on this list, you can send that link to us using this form.
Good luck with your antenna projects!